From Above - A Novella Read online

Page 6

  I wake up ten minutes later to the sound of Gawyn yelling up a blue streak. “What are we gonna do! We’re gonna be splattered!”

  After opening my eyes, I quickly survey the situation. Through the windshield I see the Earth spinning below and coming up quick. I must have knocked the satellite out of orbit when I hit. Better lay off the cheeseburgers.

  My stomach turns as I feel gravity begin to take control. A sudden jerk pulls me off the floor, and I fall down the now vertical satellite. I fall past Gawyn and Rehna, and slam onto the windshield, face down. I open my eyes to a close-up view of the Earth’s surface. But now it’s approaching more slowly.

  I roll over onto my back and face Gawyn and Rehna, their eyes wide. “I think it’s safe to say this thing has a parachute.”

  “And hard freakin glass,” Gawyn says with a smile.

  I smile back. Kid’s making me all warm and freakin fuzzy. Maybe I’ll retire.